This in-depth workshop will cover both the theory and practice of Appreciative Inquiry as it pertains to coaching.
Special attention will be given to the power of positive questions; the simultaneity of inquiry and change; the function of narrative and metaphor, imagery, and body awareness in personal learning and growth; how to deal with spiralling vocabularies of human deficit, how to create alignment of mind, body and spirit; and how to build strong interpersonal relationships to support the client’s ability to achieve their genuine aspirations.
In addition to becoming familiar with tools for applying AI in coaching, workshop participants will:
- Explore the relevance of AI principles in coaching.
- Identify how their coaching may presently be influenced by these principles and how they can enhance their coaching skill
- Practice using these principles in each phase of AI Coaching
- Receive support in appreciative topic identification for coaching, question construction, interviewing and dialogue skills, grounded visioning, translating the vision into innovative processes, practices, roles and structures and implementing for sustainability
- Learn to enable the client to build strong relationships with key others and involve them appropriately in certain phases of the coaching
- Work through case examples of actual coaching projects that are brought by participants
- Develop their ability to apply AI coaching with their clients
- Learn how to introduce this strikingly different approach in ways that make sense to coaching clients
View details about the next forthcoming Coaching workshop